Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Viva 99 Situs Judi Online Trains


In this article I will give you information about Situ Judi and the benefits that you can get from learning about it online. Situ Judi is a martial art that originated in India but is currently being practiced all over the world, mainly in China, Japan and the Philippines. The origin of the art is actually in China where masters started to study the fighting techniques and philosophy of Chinese medicine and the art was eventually named after the disciple of the great philosopher Confucius (one of the most influential figures in ancient China), who was born in the southern province of Anhui (the largest province in China). Sometime during the later part of the 3rd century BCE, it was brought to the battlefields of Iraq by the soldiers of the Vietnamese Dynasty where it became known as Vietnamese judo.

Situs Judi is an ideal martial art for mixed martial arts practitioners because it is very flexible, quick and easy to learn. Mastering the art of Situs Judi takes quite some time and dedication because of its level of intricacy, but the rewards are great. Situs Judi trains the mind, body and spirit of the student in the art of inner conflict and self-defense. If you want to learn about Situs Judi and have access to a Situs Judi online course, there are two options, the free and the fee based one.

The free Situs Judi online course offered by Viva99 teaches the basic foundation of the art, including the di situs and viva styles. The first part of the course, the core concepts, consists of explanations on the Chinese concept of yin, yang and tan. These are the three components of the universal energetic field or "etheric energy" that exists in all living things. These include the energy that the body, mind and soul possess, and the invisible energy field that surround them.

The second part of the Situs Judi online course is devoted to the application of these concepts to the combat situation. It starts with a short introduction on the origins of the art, the techniques used during combat, the philosophy of Judo and the significance of the discipline to modern man. The next few sections include explanations on various fighting strategies, application of judo techniques during our trials, grappling and throwing techniques. Finally, there is an online terbaikomi or demo, where you can examine different techniques and the corresponding response. This demo is useful for practicing the moves in a safe environment. The final part of the online terbaikomi course consists of three sparring sessions against opponents from the Philippines and Russia.

The third section of the Viva99 Situs Judi online course is dedicated to the application of the combat strategy in practical combat. Students are required to apply this strategy in a real fight using both offensive and defensive tactics. This section focuses on applying the methods of Situs Juedo in the context of a tournament situation. The first training drill involves preparing mentally and physically for the attack. Another drill is designed to train the students to parry a strike from the opponent while standing. The last training drill is a combination of standing up, makiwara and ski.

The fourth and final part of the Viva99 Situs Judi online course focuses on the application of the principles of yin and yang. The concept of yin and yang can be applied to martial arts as a whole, but it is especially significant in the Judo sport. According to the Chinese philosophy, there are seven elements whose interaction produces different physical and mental states. In Judo, these elements are combined in the fusion of forms, including Judo Ashi and Kata. Students learn how to integrate these various elements in a coordinated and balanced manner to defeat an opponent.


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